OIH Secretariat

Lucy Scott is the Project Manager of the Ocean InfoHub Project.

Pier Luigi Buttigieg is the Chair of the Technical Working Group (WP2) of the Ocean InfoHub Project.

Sofie de Baenst is working on Communications aspects of the Ocean InfoHub Project.

Doug Fils is currently working on the development of the ODIS-architecture.

Carolina Garcia is one of the chair of the IODE Steering Group for the Ocean InfoHub Project.

Arno Lambert is providing technical support/advice to the Ocean InfoHub Project, and coordinating the ODIScat Project.

Jeff McKenna is working on assisting the OIH partners, and helping with the development of ODIS-architecture.

Harrison Onganda is one of the chair of the IODE Steering Group for the Ocean InfoHub Project.

Peter Pissierssens is Head of the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE, the implementing office of the Ocean InfoHub Project.

Pieter Provoost is providing technical support/advice to the Ocean InfoHub Project.

Tavita Su’a is one of the chair of the IODE Steering Group for the Ocean InfoHub Project.
Steering Group
Technical working Group
Regional working Groups
The technical and regional working groups are open to new members to participate in the co-design process. If you would like to join a group, please email info@oceaninfohub.org