Ocean InfoHub Project invisible link
Ocean InfoHub Project invisible link

2nd international Ocean Data Conference

the Ocean Infohub will be presented during the 2nd International Ocean Data Conference

DAY 2: 21 March 2023 – Session 3: Global Ocean Digital Ecosystem

The ocean digital ecosystem, envisioned at IODC-I, will be fully machine actionable, meaning that when data or metadata are updated by one participating system, other independent and distributed systems will be able to react rapidly, automatically, and appropriately. This is the first step towards a global, deeply interoperable, integration on demand data space for the ocean. In this session we invite presentations that illustrate efforts to network independently governed digital systems and render them interoperable. Such efforts are central to creating a sustainable and scalable digital ecosystem. We also welcome concrete examples of how such systems interact or plan to interact with applications such as digital twins, cloud compute resources, and modelling solutions. Case studies are sought to demonstrate how the provenance of data is communicated to and used both within and across networked and interoperating systems.


The Ocean InfoHub Project – Lucy Scott, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Douglas Fils, Carolina Garcia-Valencia

register to see the presentation (online): https://oceandataconference.org/